European and Russian Lacquer

Chinese and Japanese lacquer production has begun to appear in Europe since 16th century. Some years later Europe saw Persian lacquer. Soon production of lacquer own European things began. The constructional material for the first time was wood and sometimes metal. Papier-mache has begun to use for lacquer things since 18th century. The most popular lacquer things were done at brothers Martin's (France), Strobvasser's (town Brownshweig, Germany), Scotland lacquer firms.

The first lacquer things production in Russia began in 1795 when Korobov, a merchant, brought lacquer technology from Brownshweig. He built a factory in Demidovo village near Moscow. At the beginning of the 19th century his son-in-law (P.V.Lukutin by name) became the factory master. He gave the business an original art character and wide commercial range. Earlier they simply copied the German samples then Russian national motives (troika, round dance) appeared which promoted a great demand for the things.

Growing demand for lacquer things in Russia made to appear new firms (F.N. and M.P.Vishnyakovs' near Moscow, A.I.Austen's in Moscow, M.Boole's, Vollenshneider's, Peitz's in St. Petersburg). Soon the lacquer production (trays) appeared in Siberia and in the Urals.

Lukutin's factory played the leading part in the production. Its things were of high quality and art craftsmanship. In 1906 he died and the factory was closed. In 1910 the factory masters organized the Artel which is called Fedoskinskaya nowadays. After the October Revolution their technology was used by Palekh, Mstyora and Kholuy masters.

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