Gaps (probels) are lines put according to a certain system to find out a form and pleats on a dress. Gaps has its own varieties. Lower you can see some samples of making gaps.
Gap made by inocop. It is done by golden high light and clear rectilinear strokes. The most important figures in composition, forms of architecture, elements of decorations, armours of warriors were done in such a manner. Such kind of gap was used in I.M.Bakanov's, I.P.Vakurov's, A.I.Vatagin's works. |
Gap "in schetinka". Such kind of gap was founded by masters of Stroganov school dated to the 17th century. It was done by gold and consisted of thin lines lake that in bristle. Such kind of gap was used in I.I.Golikov's and I.M.Bakanov's works. |
Gap made by paint. It is one of the most ancient method of icon-painting having come from Byzantine. Gaps were painted clearly in three colours. This method is used by Palekh masters in wall painting. |
Gap "in feather". This method was founded in the 17th century but it was widely used only by the end of 19th. It was used only in large icons placed on golden iconostasis. Such kind of gap was used in I.P.Vakurov's, D.N.Butorin's, A.V.Kotukhin's, T.M.Khodova's works. |